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Unfortunately most of my announcements have been wiped out of this page by
people who had infiltrated my computers. Hopefully I will be able to restore it, someday.

June 20, 2024; Anomalous Health Incidents - Microwave Targeting

I have felt very disappointed that the initial news broadcasts, which exposed the "Havana Syndrome" incidents a few years ago, did not quickly lead into at least stating that the "crazy tin foil hat people" may have been right about being attacked with microwaves and may not be "crazy" at all. But they didn't, that I know of. And in some arenas this situation recently appears to have gone back in the opposite direction - into the usual process of discrediting the victim's experiences and questioning the existence of microwave weapons.

The truth is that any technology, which can emit and direct various frequencies of radio waves (microwaves), has the potential for criminal use. And there are now many, which are both ground and space based. It is a well documented historical fact that many different countries and private organizations have developed them, since the late 1800s - since Nicola Tesla's experiments with the effects of radio waves shot into the human body. And there are plans or patents of various forms of radio wave (microwave) weapons being built since then, including the one that Nikola reportedly invented and passed on to Canada, Britian, Russia and the USA in the early 1900s.

British microwave weapon expert, General Barry Trower had publicly stated that by the 1950s extremely sophisticated microwave weapons had been developed, which could effect the human body and mind in many different ways. According to him, certain frequencies of radio waves (microwaves) could be used to inflict the symptoms of almost any sort of physical or psychological illness...etc. So, their existence and capabilities are known by many people. And there is also the well known existence of microwave detecting and blocking technologies.

There should be no controversy about the existence of microwave weapons, at this point, but there obviously still is in some places! I think part of this problem is that some media and government officials are not yet aware of the microwave weapons, and the ones who are aware have not yet stood up to publicly expose them, because the weapons and their applications had been listed as classified - top secret, at least since the Cold War.

But, there is now a desperate need for them to either become unclassified, or for caring officials to crash through that wall and stand up, due to wide spread criminal use of various types of microwave weapons and the fact that masses of victims, both inside and outside our governments, are now in desperate need of the validation, understanding and support that only full public awareness can deliver. Will this happen soon? Only time can tell.

The Havana Syndrome types of attacks were so primitive, in comparison to the far more sophisticated types of attacks, that it makes me wonder if targeted common citizens, who have been being attacked with microwaves and told that the government is doing this to them, have decided to make their own weapons and strike back. If so, this is a very sad situation for both sides.

Some people are blaming Russia. But, according to my experiences, and things I've witnesses, the core of the problem extends beyond Russia and is a very wide spread global problem. I hope ALL people and countries refrain from seeking vengeance. I hope countries and aware officials, around the globe, quickly pull together to prevent further criminal use of both ground and space based technologies that can emit and direct various frequencies of radio waves.

Nov 6, 2023; PDF of important information about the plight of the Palestinian people. PLease print it and help spread the word.

(This paper was previously also posted on

July 25, 2023; Please print and share this new one page paper:

September 1, 2022; Please print and share this new paper:

May 9, 2021; Four Newly Published books
I have recently published four new books, which are replacing some of my old ones. They are the first four books on my Publications Page.

April 2, 2021; Newly edited "Core Problem" paper. Please print and share this.


Feb 2020; My new blogs


Feb 24, 2020; My old writings have been infiltrated and altered

I have again noticed changes in my past writings, due to those who infiltrate my computers and my life. My "Embracing Sadness" book is not what it was supposed to be either. One part that was changed actually promotes psychiatric pharmaceuticals, which is the opposite of my feelings and my intent with that book!!! A few months ago I also noticed changes in my "Hints of me in Poetry" book, where parts of some poems had been erased, loving parts! I'd pulled together and published several books during the same time of doing these in 2009 to 2011. I am now deeply concerned that all may have been interfered with. :-(

My new "Road Missed by a Lyricist" book basically replaces my "Hints of me in Poetry" book. And I'll have to replace the others too, in time. Until then, please be aware that my older books are not what they should be. I hope the new ones remain the way my heart writes them.

My work, my life, my heart
Torn so far apart!
How could they?

Dec 2020; Road Missed by a Lyricist

This new book is dedicated to my daughters and is to preserve what is left of my poetry and song lyrics. It is now available at Barnes and Noble at the following address.

Order on Barnes and Noble


Dec 3, 2020; Heart of my songs torn out!

This is a pdf of article I just wrote about my songwriting

I just noticed that two important verses, to two of my songs, were removed from my "Hints of me in Poetry" book. The verse that was wiped out of my song entitled, "Listen to My Songs" is; "My love for you is here between every word. My heart is singing. Have you heard?" And the verse that was wiped out of my "Just Another Cinderella" song was; "Now I'm just striving to be me and to know that I'm alright. These tears I now cry are going to dry tonight." I also noticed two lines added to my "Light a Candle" song, which was not good. How much else has been done to alter my writings? I don't know. I feel so hurt. Those who infiltrate my computers tearing out the heart of my writings is the worse thing that could happen to my work. I feel devastated, especially since there is no way for me to fix them, due to onging targeting and computer infiltrations...etc.


Nov 2020; My new blog

I am currently blocked from my previous blogs.


Nov 24, 2020; My newest song

Our Core Problem paper

Wisdom's Beacon for Freedom - A new book published in 2019

This book offers more awareness of, and a resolution for, most of the probelms we are now faced with in our troubled world. It also includes a bit of a personal, non-fiction continuation to the Hieghts of Wisdom story I wrote from 2004 to 2006. I hope it touches your Heart and helps restore freedom and peace and safety for us all.

Click Here to Purchase This Book

My Wisdom's Beacon for Freedom blog appears to being blocked even though it is a google site.

Yearn for Freedom - A new book published in 2017

A Targeted Individual's Yearn for Freedom that bleeds through decades of experiences with painful covert and technological targeting. This book contains a bit of information about the technological and pharmaceutical targeting of humanity as well as parts of my testimony and poetry that are not in my other books. Buy on Amazon

The Heart Bud book Buy on Amazon

This little book touches the personal core of global issues and is a dedication to the Heart of humanity through the difficult times we face in our troubled world. I hope it touches your Heart and helps bring more LOVE into our troubled world.

With this book I have gathered articles from my original "Sharon's Bud" and "Heart Bud" papers and put them under one cover. I hope it touches your heart. As I used to say. . .

Come. . .walk with me. . .into my heart and yours -
Into the places we usually avoid, as we rush through our
Lives in a world that's crying, LOUDER than ever, for us
To slow down, be still, embrace our own Hearts
With one hand, and hold the other out
To our fellow human beings.

Click Here to View Heart Bud Book

NEW SECOND EDITION of Targeted in America is now available. This book is the beginning stges of a personal testimony and is dedicated to America with the hope for Freedom to be restored to targeted citizens around the globe.


Order on Amazon

Targeted in America Site

Back up of Targeting Information

July 22, 2014; Public Writing of the new "Targeted in America" Book;
In this book my primary focus is on my personal experiences with being
targeted. I had originally entitled this the "Covert Puzzle" and may return to this title.

New Technological Holocaust Book

This little book is a good introduction to things that EVERY citizen, around the globe, should realize. It strives to expose covert harassment programs, the plight of Targeted Individuals, criminal use of satellite surveillance systems and radio wave technologies - microwave weapons...etc.

A Targeted Individual's aim to expose crimes that are sure to effect all of humanity if they are allowed to continue and grow. Please tune into the depths of your own Heart and instincts as you read this, because you may want to think its "just another conspiracy theory," even though it's proof can make the Truth shine through the deepest shadows of doubt. Please take it seriously and share it for the sake of your own future safety and that of your loved ones.

Scientists and witnesses have reported that, since at least the 1960s, behavior modification programs have been being implemented, around the globe, through remotely directing beams of radio waves (electromagnetic frequencies / microwaves) either beamed directly into the brains of individuals or into whole communities and countries, in order to accomplish brainwashings and experimentations. This is a MUST read for every citizen, especially military and government.

Order on Amazon

New Book; Poetic Voice of a Targeted Individual

This little book of poetry weaves its way through my pain, my anger, my hope, my dispair, my fear and my faith, as I stumble through the hell that being a Targeted Individual entails. I hope it touches your heart and helps you to realize our need for the freedom that is not yet here for us - the freedom that all of humanity is in danger of losing if remote technological targeting and experimentation, with radio wave technologies, is allowed to continue and grow. Order on Amazon

June 12, 2014: Infiltration!:
Many of my writings may have been being interfered with, through my computers being infiltrated, since around 1999. I will aim to comb through them when I can, which is not fully possible at this time. I hope what is left of them, will touch your heart. You can find more information about how I am being targeted on. . .

February 24, 2014: Calling Your Heart: