~ The Heart Bud ~
Touching the Personal Core of Global Issues
(Third Edition) by Sharon Rose Poet

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A Dedication to the HEART of Humanity

Come. . .walk with me. . .into my Heart and yours -
Into the places we avoid, as we rush through our lives
In a world that's crying, Louder than ever, for us
To slow down, be still, embrace our own Hearts
With one hand, and hold the other out
To our fellow human beings.

    The Heart Bud book grew from The Personal Journals, which were published from 2004 to 2006, and my Sharon's Bud and Heart Bud papers that were being published from 2006 through around 2014. Both of these publications were sabotaged by those who target me, but I have put their articles into this book with a few newer ones.

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Copyrights held on various Heart Bud material since before 1999 with all rights reserved